Jesus & You

St Mary’s Cathedral offers a selection of pathways for parishioners, Catholics and non-Catholics who desire to strengthen their lives through Christ.

In an age where many people do not have the traditional support of family or friends and our lives can be overly materialistic, work oriented and a little frantic; the Church offers a spiritual sanctuary, real support and a path to inner peace and tranquillity.

As a result, many adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church each year through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

In addition, our Encounter Office supports and hosts works that enable people to encounter Jesus Christ and deepen their relationship with him in the Sacraments, Scriptures, teachings, traditions and community of the Catholic Church.

If you believe that you have a Vocation where God calls or invites you to a particular role: single life, marriage, priesthood or consecrated life then we offer a Vocation Centre which can assist you.