The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation

The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation

Established by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP in 2020, our Centre dedicates itself to the support of parishes, migrant chaplaincies and other Eucharistic communities in their fidelity to the person and mission of Jesus Christ.

Charged with the development and implementation of our Archdiocese’s Mission Plan, Go Make Disciples, our teams work together with the priests, parishes and communities of Sydney, with the conviction that the encounter with Jesus Christ changes lives.

As well, we believe that every parish and Eucharistic community is a true sign and witness to the presence of Christ, a people gathered around the Word and sacraments where faith is nurtured into discipleship and enters the world through our words and deeds. In this way, every parish, migrant chaplaincy, and ecclesial movement is a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit who keeps us faithful to Jesus in the present and sends us out to share his Good News with boldness.

Whether through assisting local communities in the work of parish renewal, accompanying the newly engaged in their journey to marriage, or sharing the good news of the Church in Sydney through digital media and communications, our staff are committed to serving the spiritual needs of a changing city and suburbs and to supporting the call to discipleship which is made to all.

For more information, visit the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation website-