Visit & Tours

St Mary’s Cathedral is a major destination for Parishioners, visiting Catholics and tourist visitors to Sydney.

We attract and welcome more than 3,000 visitors and tourists on a daily basis so we have an impact on the fabric of this city. St Mary’s Cathedral is an important sightseeing destination for tourists and its location, just across Hyde Park from the CBD, makes it easily accessible for visitors wishing to view this magnificent English-style gothic church building with its proud history.

St Mary’s Cathedral offers a free guided tour every Sunday at 2pm. You can secure a space for this tour by emailing: [email protected], before 12 noon on the Friday before the requested tour date.

We can also organise guided group tours during the weekdays for a small booking fee. Bookings are to be made in advance due to the Cathedral’s busy schedule. The breathtakingly beautiful Crypt with its magnificent terrazzo floor, considered to be one of the finest mosaic floors in the world, is a highlight of the tour.

Entry to St Mary’s Cathedral is free and open to the public. However a donation towards the upkeep and cleaning of the Cathedral is greatly appreciated.

Please remember St Mary’s Cathedral is a place of worship. So treat the Cathedral with respect whilst you are here. You should always talk in hushed tones so as to not disturb parishioners and worshipers.

St Mary’s Cathedral offers a spiritual experience whether you are religious or not. If you love history or architecture, the building and its interior will offer lots of interesting discoveries.

See further details on the right sidebar.