Memorial of Saints Cyril & Methodius – 14th February 2022

St Mary's Cathedral St Mary's Cathedral, St Mary's Road, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Memorial of Saints Cyril and Methodius SAINT CYRIL (827?–869) He was born in Thessalonica and was educated in Constantinople. With his brother Methodius he went to Moravia to preach the faith. They translated liturgical texts into the Slavonic language and invented the Glagolithic and possibly also the Cyrillic alphabet. They were called back to Rome, […]

Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter – 22nd February 2022

St Mary's Cathedral St Mary's Cathedral, St Mary's Road, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter The Chair of Saint Peter (Latin: Cathedra Petri), also known as the Throne of Saint Peter, is a relic conserved in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the sovereign enclave of the Pope inside Rome, Italy. The relic is a wooden throne that tradition claims belonged to the Apostle Saint Peter, the leader of the Early Christians in Rome and first Pope, and which he used as Bishop […]